Spot the difference: Hotel VS Office


 Can you guess which of the below four images is the hotel?

(scroll down to see the answers)

Commenting on the rising trend, Alex Winstanley, Head of New Business at Banner, says:

It’s clear in recent years, particularly following the pandemic and wide-adoption of working from home, that the traditional office environment and workplace practices do not meet an employee’s needs. With the obvious perks of working from home, employers are now reimaging their workspaces to better attract employees back to the office. The advent of co-working spaces has added fuel to this fire, so forward-thinking businesses who want to maintain a traditional office need to start considering hotelifying their space if they want to compete because office aesthetics and services are more important to employees now than ever before.

 The challenge for employers looking to ˜hotelise’ their office is knowing where to begin. Fortunately, creating a new workspace can be quite straightforward with the help of experienced workplace supplies partners who can help design floor plans, source inclusive furniture, and assist with new office installations. 

So, were you able to spot the hotel? Here are the answers:
¢    Image 1 Co-working space
¢    Image 2 Co-working space
¢    Image 3 Co-working space
¢    Image 4 Hotel

Image sources:

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