Co-working spaces have boomed since the pandemic and the associated normalisation of hybrid working.
But this has created a new market, and these co-working spaces are competing. One of the benefits of this competition is new trend: the hotelification of the office.
Hybrid workplace toolkit tips for how to succeed in the new norm
With many workplaces now adopting the hybrid model of working, it is key to ensure that employees are provided with equipment which best suits their environment.
Work smart wherever your workspace
At Banner, we are proud to offer a range of technology solutions which allow you to work smarter.
The 2021 Workplace Digital Evolution
With the Pandemic ensuing turbulence on work life for the past 15 months, a return to pre-pandemic office life is becoming a more frequent discussion these days.
Top 5 Tips for Creating an Allergy Oasis at Home
After a few false starts, spring has officially sprung. That means longer days and more sunshine, warmer weather, and more time spent outdoors.
How to Remain GDPR Compliant when Working from Home
The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, which came into effect May 2018, has drastically transformed the digital landscape.
How companies can set up for workplace success
Digital transformation has many components but put simply, it is fundamentally deploying the use of technology to change the way people do things to streamline efficiencies.
Work from Anywhere, because anywhere can work ¦
With the last 12 months totally changing the way we work; flexible working has now become a hot topic within the workplace.