Our Community
Working to bring about best fit social value from our activities within the community is Banner’s goal. This ranges from donations of employee time, products and finance via fundraising across the UK, through to provision of employment, apprenticeship and service contracts in the localities where we operate. We take pride in an inclusive and active engagement across the UK, wherever possible to support those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Our Themes

Our Community
Wellbeing & Workplace: What we’re doing
Personally and professionally, the events of the last couple of years have placed unforeseen challenges on our business and our employees. As we move into a phase of post Covid and Brexit recovery, we want to ensure that not everything reverts back to how it was, but to take positives and retain them, shaping a safe and engaging workplace culture where employees know their wellbeing is paramount. Each of Our People themes is kept on track by a number of targets and KPI’s, managed through initiatives led by Human Resources and our leadership team. We look forward to updating with news of developments across our workplace

“The gloves have been a real help to us. We always went through boxes of gloves in normal times, as our staff and volunteers use them when sorting through the bags and boxes of donations we get, but since COVID, it has been even more of an imperative for everyone here, and the cost has been fairly taxing as many of our normal suppliers were charging far more than they had been previously. To be able to get a few bulk boxes has saved us a fair bit of money and allowed us to build up a supply for the next few months.” Starter Packs Glasgow
Procured Plastic Free
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