The impact of outdated tech on productivity shows why the right technology is so important.

Research has found that UK employees waste an average of 40 minutes every day working with less-than-ideal tech, at a cost of £2,100 each, or 21 employee days per year (Sharp, Oct 2016).

Among the time-wasting problems are said to be the average 23 minutes per day spent searching for files on a server, seven minutes each day waiting for printers to warm up and nearly 10 minutes spent waiting for pages to come out of a printer.


While some organisations may believe it’s more cost effective to wait to replace tech until the 11th hour, the reality can often be people spending more time than they need to on admin or waiting for features to load.


Every hour people spend dealing with tricky or slow tech is one that could have been spent engaging with customers, evolving new ideas and performing higher value tasks.


If older tech is in use, it is not only possible your ability to respond to stakeholder and customer demands is being reduced, but that the business is exposed to more risks than necessary. Potential issues include data loss, reduced data security and cyber-attacks.


Keeping up to speed with technological tools that buy people time and make office life easier is vital.


Enterprise social networking

Among the technologies that can speed things up is enterprise social networking software. This can help employees to communicate quickly, share their ideas and enable management to receive and act immediately if appropriate.


Social networking software is useful for project teams to work closely together on group activities and tasks, and keep all users updated. It enables users to store project materials and files in a secure hub and share access as required.


Cloud-based workflow software is another asset that can help organisations to review processes and identify how to make them more efficient.


Tools for the office

Keeping your hardware up to date means knowing what the latest desktop and laptop ranges can do. From enhanced time-saving printers to speedier desktop machines, upgrading often saves organisations significant time and money in the long term.


Among the other tech tools that can make life in any office quicker and easier are noise cancelling headsets. These are perfect for open plan offices, with some featuring a €˜do not disturb light for an extra guarantee of quiet work time.


Audio visual technology can bring another set of advantages, enabling team members across different sites to meet virtually and cutting down the time and costs involved in travelling to meetings.


Many dictation machines enable users to dictate into the machine and will then automatically transcribe their notes. These are particularly useful in the health, legal and surveying sectors.


With Banner you can make your business more productive with the right technology. Contact our technology team at to find out more.

