Poor quality tools are a blight on people’s daily working lives. And for their organisations, a productivity drain.

Typically reaching its best-by-date within four years, technology can become one of these sub-standard tools.

Ageing tech is the cause of devices working slower, systems taking longer to boot-up and applications crashing more often.  

And those businesses that hesitate to replace their older PCs, laptops or printers are likely to be losing money and damaging morale. 

Angry crazy modern designer in glasses with beard yelling and crumpling paper on his workplace


Productivity drain

UK workers are said to lose an average of 46 minutes a day, or 24 days of work time a year, using slow technology. This equates to approximately £2,752 per person in average salary costs ¹.

Opening old software and programmes reportedly takes an average 20 minutes a day and opening and saving documents, an average 16.5 minutes ¹.

Security risk

Our reluctance to switch systems not only damages productivity, but risks security too.

In late 2018, nearly half (43%) of IT professionals ² surveyed said their company was still running Windows 7, even though Microsoft had long advised it would end support for the software in January 2020.

As of now, there are no more free security updates for Windows 7 and Microsoft is advising companies and users to move to Windows 10, preferably on a new PC, if they have not already done so ³.

The risks of sticking with older systems include a greater chance of malware. In 2018, the average Windows 7 PC was found to house twice as much malware as a Windows 10 machine⁴.

It’s personal

Waiting for a machine to start up, a printer to work or software to load is morale sapping for anyone doing their best to deliver work on schedule.

Downtime like this can lead people to work late, feel unsupported and be less engaged. It causes projects to run behind, or customers being made to wait.

New faster technology is empowering for employees, and an investment in those individuals’ future success.

Competitive advantage

It’s only a matter of time before competitors invest in new technologies and respond faster to customers, or the brightest talent chooses to work for an organisation like yours but better resourced.

Without the decision to upgrade when the time comes, organisations will lose opportunities and people.

In our fast response, digitally driven culture, effective technology is increasingly the difference between success and failure.

Needs assessment

Ready to act? Your next best step is a needs assessment.

By speaking to management and staff to find out their requirements, you can scope out the issues, uncover the productivity cost of your older tech, and detail what the organisation needs to meet its goals.

Putting a business case together comparing the high cost of maintaining legacy systems to introducing the tech the business needs moving forwards, you can move to a more productive future.

With Banner you can find all the help you need to do this and stay ahead of the curve. Simply contact our technology team at www.banneruk.com/contact/

Our team is ready to work together with your Banner account manager to find just the right solution for you.


¹ https://techtalk.currys.co.uk/computing/workplace-productivity/

² https://www.itproportal.com/news/businesses-still-running-windows-7-despite-end-of-service-coming-soon/

³ https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/windows-7-end-of-life-support-information

⁴ https://www.techrepublic.com/article/still-running-windows-7-instead-of-windows-10-youre-at-greater-risk-from-malware-says-report/