Banner are over the moon that a recent cost-saving exercise on toilet roll resulted in one of our customers donating the money they saved to a worthy cause.


Our customer donated the money they’d saved on toilet roll to a charity called Toilet Twinning. Toilet Twinning provides new toilets and clean water to those in under developed countries, to help them escape poverty. This helps them live a healthier life style. That’s what we call a result!

What is toilet twinning? 

Toilet Twinning funds the work of international relief and development agency Tearfund. The donation will be used to provide clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education.

How can you help?

By donating £60 to twin a toilet, the donation will help fund a project in a poor community that will enable families to build a basic toilet, have access to clean water and learn about hygiene a vital combination that saves lives.

Why Toilet Twin?

  • 2.3 billion people don’t have somewhere safe and hygienic to go to the toilet. (WHO/Unicef)
  • The lack of a loo makes women and girls a target for sexual attack as they go to the toilet in the open, late at night.
  • Almost 1,000 children die every day from preventable diseases linked to dirty water and unsafe toilets. (UN)
  • 663 million people live without safe water. (Unicef)
  • Children worldwide miss 443 million school days each year because of dirty water and poor sanitation. (UN)
  • Every year, women and girls spend 97 billion hours finding a place to go. (World Bank)


 At Banner we’re pleased to have a robust CSR strategy in place. This operates across four key pillars – Our Environment, Our Supply Chain, Our Communities and Our People. These help us to deliver social value and impact for our customers, community, suppliers and employees.

Banner is committed to an active and inclusive engagement with our local communities in partnership with our customers. To find out more about what we’ve been doing to support our local communities, please click here.

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