Winter Banner

B safe this Winter with this guide to winter essentials

We all know how unpredictable the weather is in the UK during winter; one day it’s mild, next it’s raining and then it’s snowing! While you have no control over the weather, you can control how you prepare your workplace. 

Here are a few tips to help you B Prepared this winter.

1. Stay safe and be seen at night 

Many of us will leave for work and come home when it’s dark, some of us may even work outside in the dark. Therefore it’s vital that you’re seen at night, we recommend wearing a High Viz vest, carrying a torch with you and consider having a personal alarm, especially if you walk home in the dark.

2. Plan for ice and snow

If you’re responsible for keeping walkways outside the building clear then develop a plan to remove snow & de-ice. Determine who will clear the paths & roads and ensure you have the correct products and equipment to do this, including appropriate protective clothing. Be aware of any trip hazards such as curbs or slopes and invest in equipment to highlight the hazards.

Hazards don’t just occur outside, consider the trip and slip hazards inside the building and avoid any accidents by having a plan to prevent them, such as safety signs, extra doormats so employees can dry their feet & mop wet areas more regularly to remove excess water so they will dry quicker.

3. Keep it comfortable

Its not just outside where the elements can be unpredictable. Employees will perform better when they’re comfortable so consider the environment around them. Make sure you regulate humidity levels during winter; you’ll need to turn the heating up but make sure the air doesn’t become too dry as this can become uncomfortable. If employees are aloud space heaters make sure smoke alarms & carbon monoxide detectors have been checked.

B Prepared and order your essential winter supplies today and take a look at our flip book by clicking below


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