imageWoman cleaning the counter  in the kitchen

Sustainable cleaning solutions and protecting the natural environment remain high on the agenda for Banner, a supplier on several public sector cleaning and janitorial frameworks. 

Discussions about how to better protect the natural environment have moved higher up the public agenda in recent years, but this issue has long been on Banner’s radar.

As one of the largest distributors of workplace products, with over 350 fleet vehicles making over 18,000 deliveries per day, Banner has a responsibility to operate responsibly.

One element of operating responsibly is a commitment from Banner to continually review their highly complex supply chain, which is the most significant part of their environmental footprint and social impact.

This commitment has led to the introduction of many environmentally and ethically sourced products in recent years. In fact, Banner currently offers over 3,000 products that are 50% recycled and has introduced many products that help customers to reduce single-use plastics in the workplace.

Spotlight on: Latest Sustainable cleaning products


OceanSaver pods are the latest sustainable cleaning products to help reduce the use of single use plastic in the workplace and are available to order from Banner.

Each Pod contains concentrated active ingredients that dilute in water and provide users with the option to reuse an existing plastic bottle or to buy a fully recyclable OceanSaver ˜bottle for life’. 

This enables users to reduce their plastic consumption, reduces the amount of waste and in turn, the amount of plastic that pollutes our oceans. 

If we were to use one full truck of OceanSaver Pods in place of buying traditional trigger sprays, we would reduce the carbon footprint by over 80% and prevent the equivalent of eight trucks of plastics from entering the ocean.

To find out more about OceanSaver Pods please click here.

Why is it important to use sustainable cleaning products?

Here are just a few reasons why it’s important to use sustainable cleaning products.

  • It’s been predicted that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the seas than fish.[1]
  • The UK has produced 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastic since 1950 (half of this since 2002)
  • 79% of these plastics sit in our natural environment
  • Less than 9% plastics used are recycled

Banner Evolution

Banner is not only committed to sourcing environmental and ethical products. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is integral to the way Banner conducts itself.

Banner evolution operates across four key pillars, Our Natural Environment, Our Supply Chain, Our Communities and Our People. This helps Banner to deliver social value and impact for its customers, community, suppliers and employees.

Banner is proud to be a strategic supplier on the following cleaning and janitorial frameworks:

  1. CPC Janitorial and Cleaning supplies Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5.
  2. NWUPC Cleaning and Janitorial supplies. Lots 3, 4 and 5.
  3. Crown Commercial Service – RM3723 Crown Office Supplies Framework. Lot 1, including Janitorial goods (such as refuse sacks, washroom supplies).
  4. NEUPC – Cleaning and Janitorial Supplies JAN2004 NE

With Banner you can…

To find out more about Banner evolution please visit and follow Banner on LinkedIn and Twitter.

To place an order or to make an enquiry about any of these frameworks please contact your Banner usual account manager or to become a Banner customer email


  1. World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company: The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics (2016)