Andrew Crabb

Introducing our newest member of the Banner Healthcare Team, Andy Crabb!

Andy is the Midlands National Account Manager for Healthcare and has been with Banner since September 2023. Although new to Banner, Andy has over 10 years of experience working with the NHS and Public Sector and knows the industry well.

Andrew Crabb at LFC

One of Andy’s passions in his role is meeting new people and building strong and trusted partnerships with all his Trusts; I relish the challenge of showcasing how effective Banner can be at driving collaboration and cost reductions for them whilst delivering a superior service. 

Outside of work, Andy is happily married and has a beautiful 8-year-old daughter, Faye, who he idolises. She is the reason I do what I do and why I strive daily to be and do my best. Time with Faye is precious, and I make sure we make as many memories as we can as I know one day, she will be off into the big world making her own way. 

Alongside family time, Andy also enjoys working out and keeping active. As a former bodybuilder, Andy prides himself on keeping in shape, joking that it’s to keep the boys away from Faye as she grows up! 

Liverpool FC is Andy’s other great passion in life. Having worked for the Club on matchdays for the last 6 years, he has enjoyed some exciting away trips, including the Champions League Final 2019, where Andy was fortunate enough to attend the After Party with the players! Just as he does in his day role, Andy takes great pride in working matchdays for the Club, commenting, I take a great pride in what I do and never take for granted the opportunities I have been given, but I believe that you get out of life what you put into it, and hard work trumps everything each and every time. 

Andy is a brilliant asset to our fantastic Healthcare Team. He is full of enthusiasm and is looking forward to learning and developing in his role at Banner. We can’t wait to see where his journey will take him.

Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn. 

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