Over the next few months, we will be introducing you to members of our Banner Healthcare team so that you can get to know us better.
The first member of our Healthcare team that we would like you to meet is Lesley Greenhalgh. Lesley has been with Banner for 10 years and worked for and with the NHS for more than 25, including three years in NHS procurement. Having managed Trusts, CCGs and other healthcare customers in the North and Midlands, now Lesley helps manage the NHS Supply Chain Office Solutions category for Banner. This involves working with the Crown Commercial Service team to ensure, amongst many other priorities, that the best possible service is provided to all customers and a full range of products across all the category frameworks are available.
Outside work, Lesley volunteers for Parkinson’s UK, a charity very close to her heart, acting as secretary for the Crewe and District group. As well as sending correspondence and taking meeting minutes for the group; Lesley takes part in a wide range of fundraising events including quiz nights, bucket collections, garden parties and black-tie evenings; and raising awareness of the charity. It is impossible to describe how fantastic it is to speak to someone about Parkinson’s, maybe when doing a bucket collection or giving out leaflets, and realise you have helped them just by being there and letting them know about the charity.
As well as supporting Parkinson’s, Lesley is a member of two choirs who regularly perform at nursing homes and local fund-raising events. Zoom choir rehearsals provided a great way of relaxing through lockdown and making audio and video recordings added a new skill as well as providing a challenge.
Lesley is also a blood donor, having recently provided her 33rd donation. Her contributions have added to the 5,000 donations that are needed every day in England to meet the needs of patients. Her recent donations have been issued to St James’ Hospital, Leeds; South Tyneside District Hospital and Kings Mill Hospital, Mansfield.
If you are interested in donating blood, please go to Blood donation – NHS Blood and Transplant (nhsbt.nhs.uk)
Lesley is pictured carrying out her favourite role, that of grandparent.
View our latest edition of B News for Health
Are you interested in finding out more about the Banner Healthcare Team?
Read our latest edition of B News for Health to get up to date with all the latest hints, tips and giveaways from Banner for your healthcare setting. Click here to read
Please contact your normal Banner Account Manager for advice, pricing for products and projects. Or if you would like to arrange a meeting to discuss any requirements in detail then please contact Lesley Greenhalgh at Lesley.Greenhalgh@BannerUK.com.
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