Banner introduces the latest sustainable cleaning products to help reduce the use of single use plastic in the workplaceThis challenge faces many Banner customers, so our team of product experts continuously source new, sustainable and accredited products to help you.

That’s why we’ve worked in the background with our supplier base and we now stock the most exciting and sustainable cleaning products on the market, OceanSaver Pods.

What are OceanSaver Pods?
OceanSaver Pods are part of a range of cleaning products that help tackle single-use plastic.


Each Pod contains concentrated active ingredients that dilute in water and provide users with the option to reuse an existing plastic bottle or to buy a fully recyclable OceanSaver ˜bottle for life’. 

This enables users to reduce their plastic consumption, reduces the amount of waste and in turn, the amount of plastic that pollutes our oceans. 

If we were to use one full truck of OceanSaver Pods in place of buying traditional trigger sprays, we would reduce the carbon footprint by over 80% and prevent the equivalent of eight trucks of plastics from entering the ocean.

But do they perform as well as other cleaning products?
OceanSaver has committed to delivering a product that matches or exceeds the performance of leading brands. The Pods have been put through vigorous testing and have achieved certifications for quality, environmental impact, continual sustainability improvements and efficiency.

Four main reasons to use OceanSaver Pods?

  1. No plastic
    No plastic packaging around the pods and bottles for life are fully recyclable
    The cardboard packaging is fully compostable
  2. Reduce costs
    It’s a simple one sachet per application, results in perfect dose control
    No costly dispensing equipment
    No maintenance
  3. Reduced storage and waste
    Massively less space required for storage
    No plastic waste to dispose of
    Significantly less cardboard to dispose of
  4. Safety
    No exposure to concentrated product
    No splashing of concentrated liquid chemicals
    Easy to dilute
    No heavy lifting

Why is it important to use sustainable cleaning products?

Here are just a few reasons why it’s important to use sustainable cleaning products.

  • It’s been predicted that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the seas than fish.[1]
  • The UK has produced 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastic since 1950 (half of this since 2002)
  • 79% of these plastics sit in our natural environment
  • Less than 9% plastics used are recycled
  • The top 10 retailers in the UK contribute 850,000,000 units of single use plastic items every year

Small changes make a big difference.

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[1] World Economic Forum, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey & Company: The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the future of plastics (2016)