
The air we breathe can have a significant impact on our health 

With a new study* revealing that air pollution could cause mental health issues later in life, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifying outdoor air pollution as a cancer-causing agent (carcinogen)^, the quality of air in and around our workplaces, and schools, is worth questioning.

Quality of air inside a building can affect our health, comfort and productivity, with factors as diverse as mould, humidity, chemicals and building design affecting this.  

New research* from the University of Chicago has analysed health data from 152 million people over 11 years and found a ‘significant link’ between mental health disorders and exposure to air pollution. The study found that countries with more severe air pollution have a 27% rise in citizens with bipolar disorder and a 6% rise in citizens with major depression, compared to countries with better air quality.

It also appears that some schools are struggling with indoor air pollution issues. A study in 2016 ¹ found that school children in London were taught in classrooms where air was so polluted that it breached World Health Organisation (WHO’s) guidelines. The work, by researchers from University College London and the University of Cambridge, also reported that differences in pollution levels between classrooms dependent on a range of issues, including building characteristics, design and maintenance.

Among the ways workplace and schools can improve air quality is by checking all potential sources of emissions, such as form computing devices and printers.

Think air quality when purchasinghp-logo-1

One step to improving emission levels is by using Original HP cartridges with an HP printer. These are designed to meet strict eco-label requirements for emissions, helping to maintain a healthy office environment.

HP invests in printing systems designed for wellbeing as well as the environment, and HP toner cartridges are the heart of a printing system and crucial for its safe performance.

HP uses independent laboratories to test the air quality performance of office printers, based on industry standards. 

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If you would like to become a HP #SustainabilityHero, please contact your Banner account manager or call us on 0843 538 3311 (UK) or 1800 905 907 (ROI). 

You can read more about sustainability at HP here: https://www8.hp.com/uk/en/hp-information/global-citizenship/index.html and follow HP sustainability on twitter at https://twitter.com/HPSustainable

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¹ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/24/air-pollution-worse-inside-london-classrooms-than-outside-study-finds