Any return to work transition is challenging at the best of times.
Whether you’re returning after a prolonged period of remote working or from maternity leave, a process must be implemented to ensure that this transition is smooth and successful. Signage can help facilitate this. For example, if an employee is returning after a workplace injury, warning signs can assure them that everything is being done to promote optimal safety and prevention.
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to rely on signage more than ever. The government’s plan for a phased return to work following the recent social distancing measures is set to be one of the most difficult challenges to date.
At Banner, we believe that office signage will be crucial in facilitating a smooth and safe transition back to work.
How social distancing will impact the workplace
Social distancing measures will be crucial in ensuring a safe workspace for your employees. Employees are also advised to routinely wash their hands, disinfect any equipment that they work with and avoid touching their face, especially their eyes and nose. Whilst everyone is or should be aware of these rules, in a busy workplace, it can be easy to forget and fall into old habits. However, office signage and a well configured office design will help any business take large steps towards a safe return to work.
Other ways you can help each other to socially distance are:
- Taking staggered lunch breaks
- Working staggered shifts
- Implementing a bathroom pass system
- Encouraging outdoor working and home working
Following social distancing rules is one of the most important health and safety measures for any business during the phased return to work due to the impact of Covid-19. As such, it is vital that offices use a variety of visual safety signs reminding employees to maintain a safe distance whenever possible. The amount of printing and laminating required for this activity, particularly for large workplaces or organisations, is made far easier by using an A4 or A3 laminator machine with the appropriate laminating pouches. By ensuring that important messages are visible around the workplace and fresh within the minds of your employees, you are supporting them to remain safe at all times.
Maintaining appropriate hygiene in the office or workplace
Hygiene signage is crucial all year round. All companies should have hygiene signage to help keep employees safe. This might include a ˜remember to wash your hands’ sign above the bathroom sink, or signs directing employees to washrooms or showers. In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, specialists now recommended washing your hands more frequently. The list of suggested times to wash your hands has been expanded to include
- After visiting a public space
- After and before touching anything in public such as doorknobs
- After removing gloves or a face mask
- Before touching your face
By displaying office signs in key locations around your workplace, you can remind employees of the need to maintain their hygiene for their own sake and for their co-workers. We suggest putting such signs in kitchens, bathrooms and any designated hand washing or disinfecting stations
Using equipment that keeps hygiene and safety in mind
The equipment that you use daily to carry out your job will have its own set of advantages and safety concerns. For example, if you use a computer, you can do your job efficiently but might have to remain mindful of screen time and seating position to maintain your health. If you work with sterile equipment, you’ll need to ensure optimal cleanliness to get accurate, safe results. Even with a well configured and spacious office design, many machines can encourage the transmission of germs. For example, using an office laminator may mean that multiple colleagues are using the same machine and pressing buttons. GBC offers an ideal laminating solution with less interaction required, particularly for large organisations and offices with high volume laminating requirements. The innovative GBC Foton 30 automatic laminator can laminate up to 30x A4 or A3 documents at the touch of a button. This is especially useful when laminated signs are required in volume and at speed.
What can Banner do to facilitate a phased return to work?
Equipping your office with the right business tools is going to be vital in ensuring employees feel comfortable and safe when coming back to work. At Banner, we believe that office signage supporting social distancing measures as well as hygiene and safety is the best way to achieve this.
Find out more
To find out how we can support your organisation in your return to work transition, please speak to your account manager, or view our Return to the workplace guide by joining us on LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter.