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The lure of warmer weather makes most of us want to spend more time outdoors.

But if, like most of the population, you’re at work most days, you may need to think not just about what you’ll be doing when the weekend comes around, but how you can make the most of summer in your workplace.

Making work an appealing environment when the sun is shining outside is great for motivation, puts smiles on faces and helps everyone stay productive.

There are also common-sense reasons for thinking about what your workplace needs in the summer, from minimising infection risk to safeguarding against dehydration.

Here are five ways you can score a workplace win in the summer months:

1. Make hydration fun

Staying hydrated is important year-round, and something to watch for when temperatures rise.

It’s recommended we drink around six to eight glasses of fluid a day, including water, sugar free drinks, tea and coffee. You may need more than this in hot weather, or if you’re active, pregnant or breastfeeding.

Water is the healthiest option, with no calories or sugar. Look for fruit infusions as healthy, fun and flavourful ways of livening up a glass of H2O, and an infuser water bottle as a reusable, easy to carry option for helping people keep their fluid intake up while enjoying the taste of their favourite fruits.

If you start feeling thirsty, that’s a sign you’ve lost one to two percent of your body fluids, so stay ahead of the game by keeping a drink on your desk and making sure others are topping up regularly too.

2. Encourage outdoor breaks

You can make coming to work in the summer more fun and motivational by encouraging teams to take time together outdoors.

From holding meetings outside to having a team lunch in the park, summer can be a great time for co-workers to bond in a more relaxed setting.

By providing water, soft drinks and snacks for these occasions, you can create a better atmosphere and help everyone enjoy their summer working days. 

3. Promote good hygiene

You’ll need to consider how to help keep food cool when it gets hot.

Making sure there’s enough fridge space for lunches and drinks is vital as there can be an increased risk of food poisoning. Food from barbecues, picnics and other shared food can be particularly prone to growing bacteria. By refrigerating items at all times, this risk is minimised.

If you don’t have enough space to accommodate everyone’s lunches, you may need to look at extra space-saving under counter fridges.

Good food hygiene also goes alongside hand hygiene. As well as ensuring restrooms are fully stocked with handwash, its worth making hand hygiene gels available in kitchen and open plan areas to keep the risk of infection to a minimum.

4. Blow a breeze

Help people to stay cool by investing in fans.

Desk fans give each person the option of switching theirs on whenever they start to heat up, while floor standing, height adjustable fans can help make temperatures more manageable in larger office areas.

If space is at a premium, there are various wall fans designed to cool larger spaces, and clip fans are an ideal option for divide panels at individual workstations.

5. Sun protection

Most of us don’t come to work expecting to pick up a tan, so if people are spending time outdoors make sure there are supplies of sun cream on hand to protect against UV rays.


With Banner you can stay safe this summer

By helping everyone enjoy the great outdoors while staying hydrated, healthy and cool, your workplace will be onto a winner this summer

To find more info about any of the ideas or products that interest you above such as our selections of fans, be sure to check our our Summer Essentials Brochure for 2019 –


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