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From pupil displays to social distance signage, laminating in schools is more important than ever.

Laminating has long been a favourite finish in the classroom and around the school. Not only does it make pupils’ work, learning displays and decorations shine, it also protects them from the everyday knocks, clumsy spills and accidental damage that can plague a busy school environment.

Laminating is a quick and easy way to protect documents and enhance their quality. By adding a plastic coating to paper or card, a document becomes more durable and transforms into a quality, creative and professional-looking presentation. Then, of course, there’s the added benefit of being able to write onto the pouch with a marker pen and easily wipe it clean.

In the classroom, themed topics come to life as sparkling displays, whilst tailormade teaching aids and artistic presentation tools for use in lessons can be designed, printed and laminated in just a few minutes. The longevity of the finish also means laminated displays can be safely stored away until they are needed at a future date.

In preparation for the new school year, laminators are proving to be priceless tools for producing quick and easy posters for promoting social distancing, class bubbles, encouraging hand washing, one-way systems and dozens of other health and safety signs.

With rules constantly evolving and changing, in-house sign-making is also a cost-effective and super-fast way to update mandatory instructions as and when required.

As makers of the market-leading laminators, Fellowes continues to be the most popular brand in schools and colleges. They are built with durability in mind and feature automatic operation and fast laminating speeds.

Features to look out for across the range include Instaheatâ„¢, which heats the laminator in as little as 60 seconds, auto reverse jam prevention, and AutoSense automation for sensing the pouch thickness and instantly adjusting the speed for a high-quality finish.

Fellowes’ laminating pouches come in a wide range of thicknesses and finishes. On ImageLastTM pouches there’s a unique directional arrow that will help you to insert the pouch correctly and then disappear when it’s perfectly sealed. Whilst with Fellowes SuperQuickTM gloss pouches, laminating is 30% faster and sealed edges on the long side make them ideal for high volume lamination.

Most importantly, Fellowes laminators are extremely user-friendly, 100% jam free – when used with Fellowes ® laminating pouches and well known for producing perfect results every time.

For more information

For more information on our full range of laminators, please speak to your Banner account manager.

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