Gender Pay Gap Report 2017

Gender Pay Gap Report 2017

Banner Group Ltd is committed to managing diversity and eliminating discrimination amongst our workforce. As our Company grows, our aim is to make the best use of the diverse backgrounds, skills, knowledge and experience of all those who work for us, recognising that such diversity is a rich source of competitive advantage. We are committed to treating all our colleagues equally and fairly.

From 2017, in line with the Government’s commitment to tackle gender inequality, Banner Group Ltd will publish data showing the pay gap between our male and female employees.

Pay and Bonus Gap

As of the snapshot date (5 April 2017) the table below shows our overall mean and median gender pay gap and bonus pay gap in Banner Group Ltd, based on hourly rates of pay.  It should be noted that the reporting that is required measures the difference in average pay only and is not a measurement of whether people are paid the same for the same role.

The percentage shown is the difference in overall mean and median pay and bonus between men and women.

Mean Median
Pay Gap 9.25% 14.47%
Bonus Gap 4.08% 20.63%


Bonus Pay

The proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment are:

Quartile Comparison

The proportion of men and women working in each payroll quartile is:

Male Female
Upper Quartille 47% 53%
Upper Middle Quartile 49% 51%
Lower Middle Quartile 41% 59%
Lower Quartile 39% 61%


Understanding our data

We have found no inconsistency between how we pay men and women for the same role and a good balance between the number of men and women in middle management and senior roles. The pay gap is driven by how our teams are structured within Banner with a higher % of women fulfilling Customer Service roles. The results should also be considered in the context of the relatively low numbers of employees in Banner (c300 in April 2017) and the risk of skewing associated with that.

Next Steps

  • We will take steps to ensure that we are monitoring our gender pay gap regularly across the business.
  • As we move forward we will continue to focus on ensuring women have the same opportunities for senior roles as men as we have successfully done so far.
  • We will be investing more in leadership training and developing future talent.
  • Our coaching and mentoring programme will enable our colleagues to seek support, build confidence and make connections across the business to enable future progression.


Craig Varey
Managing Director, Banner Group Ltd